


a peculiar trait  
a flourish or showy stroke  
an abbreviation of Quercus, latin for “oak”  




   the workroom of an artist or designer
   a place for study or experimentation
   a space to gain knowledge through attention

Querc works with small properties and extensive estates, with any range of budget. We thread new ideas through existing and established gardens, imagine wholly new spaces, tinker and reframe ideas from traditional styles, and push forward with new, experimental modes of garden-making. We do this because there’s always something that can be done better, severed lines of knowledge and ecology to be repaired, and exciting new places to find beauty.

Querc Studio is led by Brendan Ayer, a landscape designer and educator based in central Ohio. Brendan received his Master of Landscape Architecture from The Ohio State University and has held various roles in the imagining, making, and study of landscapes since 2017. He currently teaches at OSU with a focus on the deeper understanding of and engagement with the primary elements and agents of landscapes - plants, people, climates, and time - with a particular attention towards the distinct forces and features of the Midwest. Brendan is an avid gardener and a proponent of figuring things out within, but also with, the landscape.